Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank You Jesus for Preparing Their Hearts

Our vision trip was very inspiring and God answered many prayers.  We believe that God has called us to serve as His hands and feet in Kenya.  We believe He has called us to empower the people of Kenya with clean water, medical care and the Gospel.

We discovered 4 defined areas of service that God is calling us to help:

The Il Chamus

The Il Chamus are located on an island on Lake Baringo and they have been separated from their original tribe.  They are starting over with their families and live off of the land and the lake to thrive.  We spent some time with the Il Chamus and know that they are a loving people and believe in Christ as their Savior.  They have requested that the Bible be translated into their tribal language and they are excited about a church being established for worship on the island.  They are in need of clean water and medical care, but their love of Christ and love towards others was very apparent as they welcomed us with smiles and joy.  How will we plug-in?  Nick and I know that Christ has been in the hearts of the Il Chamus long before we arrived and we are blessed to help empower them and encourage them to grow with the love of Christ.  Nick feels led to help them purify the water that they drink directly from the lake.  He had a chance to show them the process of water filtration during our visit and the chief seemed happy about the process.  I feel lead to help the Lachemus maintain and improve their health conditions.  Possibly starting with basic dental hygiene and hand washing.  Thank you Jesus for leading us to the Il Chamus and for preparing their hearts for our arrival.

The Good Sheppard Children's Home

The Good Sheppard Children's Home is located in Nayhururu and is under the care of Lucy and Simon Mwaura.  This orphanage is amazing!  Pastor Simon has created this orphanage to be self-sustaining by using all of his resources wisely.  They have cows, goats, rabbits, gardens, greenhouses, plumbing, sleeping quarters, a kitchen and a well.   Pastor Simon is brilliant in his use of the waste from the animals - the off-gasses are used as methane for cooking and pumped directly into the kitchen. How will we plug-in?  Nick feels led to help with some drainage issues on the orphanage grounds and then to possibly help purify the water from the well.  I will be learning how to become a farmer (don't laugh) this is where I will be learning how our family will be self-reliant.  With a teacher like Simon - I am in great hands.  The children are very happy at the Good Sheppard Home and they greeted us with the song "He's got the whole world in His hands". Listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i3uxxB1k88 The Holy Spirit truly fills that place! Thank you Jesus for leading us to the Good Sheppard Home and for preparing their hearts for our arrival.

The Samburu

The Samburu people are located in northern Kenya and they currently have reservoirs (small, man-made lakes) that were established by the British many years ago.  Nick and I had the opportunity to visit one of the reservoirs that has a purification system placed by past missionaries.  This reservoir and purification system provided clean water to over 2,000 families!  We then had a meeting with 6 of the area pastors from different denominations.  How will we plug-in? Pastor Simon requested that the pastors discuss the greatest need for another purification system and at which reservoir we should begin.  Again, empowering the local people.  During this meeting, we explained that our service to those in need is fueled by the love of Christ and the importance of bringing the Living Water to the Samburu people.  We also talked about doing a medical clinic in the future and the possibility of a mobile clinic that visits the various tribes throughout Samburu. The group of pastors were excited to get started.  Thank you Jesus for leading us to the Samburu and for preparing their hearts for our arrival.


Kibera is located in Nairobi.  It is called the "slums of Nairobi".  Pastor Frank and his wife Linda have been carrying on a ministry called Bling-Bling.  This ministry was started by a Mission Society Missionary, Rick Slingluff, whom has returned to the US.  The ministry involves transforming, young men from the life of gangs and violence to the love of Christ.  These young men now deliver water and the Gospel to areas within Kibera.  Frank and Linda are very involved with Bling-Bling and they have been discipling these men and transforming them for Christ.  How will we plug-in?  Currently, Bling-Bling is only able to offer water from the contaminated rivers in the area.  Nick feels led to help the young men deliver clean water through purification and filtration.  We had the opportunity to meet some of the Bling-Bling boys during our visit and pray with them.  They were welcomed us and thanked us for our encouraging words of prayer.  Thank you Jesus for leading us to Kibera and Bling-Bling boys and for preparing their hearts for our arrival.
Thank you Jesus for leading us to Kenya and for preparing the people's hearts for our arrival.

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