Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Monday, November 28, 2011

Vision Trip Update

God is Great! Our trip has been outstanding and a blessing to our family.  We landed in Nairobi and were met by some friends with smiles and the love of Christ.

Nairobi – Our 1st Stop
Our 2 nights in Nairobi were a bit overwhelming as we visited the slums of Kibera the first day and experienced a baptism consisting of 15 youth in a swimming pool.  We also visited a ministry established in Kibera called Bling-Bling.  This is a ministry created by a member of The Mission Society where young men bring buckets of water via 2 wheeled carts to the residence within Kibera.  These young men are being discipled by a Pastor and carry the Living Water to those they meet.   We also had a mini-adventure to the giraffe sanctuary that Gilly thought was “super-cool!”.

Nyahururu – Our 2nd Stop
Pastor Simon and his son Daniel (Gilly and Daniel are the same age and they have become great friends) picked us up to begin our journey from Nairobi to Nyahururu.  We had a flat tire about an hour into the trip and had the opportunity to visit with the locals and try some roasted corn – it was pretty good.  Our trip was about 4 hours and the view was amazing as we constantly changed elevations.  We also stopped at the Equator for some photos.  After a long day, we settled into our hotel that overlooked the Thompson Falls – very pretty.
The next morning Pastor Simon invited us to the Good Shepherd Home.  What an amazing ministry!  The children’s home has about 80 children and it is fairly self sufficient.  They have everything including cows, goats, chickens, rabbits, massive gardens with green houses and running toilets (not so common in this part of the world).  God has blessed these children!  Then we met sweet Lucy, Pastor Simon’s wife.  Lucy’s heart and compassion are with the children and The Good Shepherd Home.  We had a great evening joining the kids in music and dance and it was easy to see they are filled with the love of Jesus.
The next morning Pastor Simon drove us to visit a potential school for Gilly, Pembrook in Gilgil.  Nick said it was like a mini-Hogworts from Harry Potter.  This school was lovely.  It was fairly intimate with roughly 170 students and the curriculum was similar to the USA.  But it is very expensive.  We know God will lead us to the right school.  Gilly said he is rooting for Pembrook, he really liked it.
The next morning we headed to Samburu with Pastor Simon and Daniel.  Simon told us this trip was 4 to 12 hours????  We didn’t really understand, but once we were about 2 hours into the trip, the roads were unpaved and the mud was up to our shins!  We got stuck in the mud many times and after moving 100 yards in 2 hours, Pastor Simon said we should go back.  Now we understood 4-12 hours – LOL!  This mud was unreal!  I told Pastor Simon that people in Georgia pay good money to go muddin’ and Kenya would have quite a business!  We diverted our plans and headed to Nakuru to reassess our agenda.
Nakuru – Our 3rd Stop
Nakuru is larger than Nyahururu and more metropolitan. We stayed in a nice hotel with hot water and running toilets – bonus!  Our hotel over looked Lake Nakuru and the surrounding town – a nice break from the mud and cold of Nyahururu. 
The next morning Pastor Simon introduced us to one of his ministries with the Lachimus Tribe at Lake Baringo.  This was amazing and Nick and I feel led to join with Pastor Simon to help reach this tribe.  The Lachimus live on an island on Lake Boringo and we had to take a boat to reach them.  They were very welcoming as they showed us their mud/dung huts and how they cooked their food.  Pastor Simon has joined with one of their tribe members to interpret the Bible into their tribal language and they asked us to help them begin a church on the island.  Nick had an opportunity to share the process of clean water with the tribe.  He offered clean water they were drinking from the lake to the chief.  This is God truly at work!  Praise God for sending us to teach about Jesus to these people.  They want to learn about Him and follow His teachings.  This place felt like the ends of the Earth, but I assure you Christ went there before us that day.

Next stop – On to Samburu once again, but this time with an all-terrain vehicle..……………….
PS We are having trouble loading photos, we can't wait to show you our pics when we return.  :)

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