Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Marvelous Joy

What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received???...........  You might have thought of something from your childhood like, the Barbie Castle or Stretch Armstrong?  Maybe you thought of something you have received in recent years from your spouse like, diamond earrings or a new car (or maybe, Stretch Armstrong. LOL)  I heard a song yesterday that I have heard many times, but I heard it much differently this year and it was a little gift to me from God - "Do they know it's Christmas-Feed the World" Take a listen if you haven't heard it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT9lKyi0dDM I know I am dating myself, but, I remember most of the people that participated in Band-Aid, the benefit for Africa: Paul Young, Chris Cross, Jim Kerr, Jody Watley, George Michael, Holly Johnson, Boy George, Sting, Simon Le Bon, Bono and Phil Collins.  Even back in the 80s they were singing songs of the Savior!  I love the fact that the airways are flooded with Christmas music; some whimsical, some serious and some about grandma and that crazy reindeer.  I have heard MANY viewpoints about Christmas and the "reason for the season", and I have to say when it comes down to it, God's joy was brought to us by Christ's birth and His salvation for us.  His joy, His marvelous joy!  Do you know that feeling when you are about to see your child open that special gift you spent weeks looking for and you were giddy with joy to see their reaction when they received it?  Can you imagine how God felt the night Christ was born?  Can you imagine the joy He felt when Jesus, our perfect gift, was finally revealed to His people?  His joy was impressed upon us during this night and it would forever change us - Christmas would be a celebration like no other!  His joy inspires us to decorate, buy gifts, donate to charities, sing the 12 days of Christmas in our car when we think no one is listening.  I love the fact that we have caught the Spirit of Christ during this time and we can't help but be happy, joyful, loving and elated with life.
Lord thank you for sending Jesus to us and for filling us with the joy of Your love as we wait for the anniversary of that special night. Thank you for the many opportunities to introduce others to Jesus during a time when we are filled-to-the-brim with the joy of Christ! 
And, thank you for a group of famous musicians that realized the importance of God and prayer and sang it out for all the world to hear for years to come.  May this just be the beginning of our lives with Christ and may the joy impressed upon us all those years ago continue to inspiring those around us.  
Merry Christmas and "in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy!"  

1 comment:

  1. merry Christmas and happy new year the Griffiths
    . happy birthday Nick!
    there is a special joy to have known your family.
