Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Thursday, November 17, 2011

As Our Adventure Begins.........

How does God show me that He loves me?  I have asked myself this many times over the past 2 weeks.  And He has responded to me in so many ways, from songs on the radio, loving actions of others, words of encouragement via emails and quite times of silence with Him.  I have seen the smiling face of Christ and felt His gentle hug from those around me.  My friends quote scripture to me often, reminding me of verses like "He is strong....." and "He will go before you...."  I have felt the rush of the Holy Spirit more times than I can count.  It is amazing to see God at work around us!  God inspires me through the actions of others to do as He has asked, "to leave it all behind and follow Me.".  I wish you could see this from our point of view as our story unfolds.  The outpouring of agape love on us as we answer His call and our journey begins is so exciting!  To see the Holy Spirit flowing like a rushing breeze from God, to others, to us and back to Him again is awesome!  We praise Him for our Prayer Warriors, we praise Him for our families and friends, we praise Him for the people in Kenya that we don't know yet, we praise Him for calling us to be the answer to someone else's prayer.

Lord, thank you for calling us and thank you for calling others to reach out to us as we are obedient to You.  Thank you for starting a fire in us to do Your work and helping us to see You in the faces of those around us.  Protect us and keep us from harm as we begin this adventure in Kenya tomorrow.  As we ALL begin this adventure tomorrow.  Amen.

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