Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Focusing on Jesus

It has been amazing watching God at work. As I surrender myself to God and His will for my life I begin to better understand the Bible, how He is moving in our daily lives and how He loves us. It has been a truly incredible journey for us so far and the funny thing is we've only moved about 10 miles.

As God prunes back what we don’t need He fills us up with what we need.  He has surrounded us with strong brothers and sisters in Christ; teamed us up with a great sending agency (The Mission Society) and filled us up with His Holy Spirit. Thank You God.  There has been an out pouring of love from the church which has served as a witness to me and hopefully a witness to others that our Savior lives.  We are His hand and feet.  When I see Him moving it makes me want to respond to His love for us.  He loves us and He wants us to love each other. John 13:34 & 35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  What’s neat is that God has brothers and sisters in Christ lifting us up in Georgia and throughout the United States and He has brothers and sisters in Kenya already praying for us and lifting us up and getting ready for our arrival.  God is good!!!

I think I know a little how Peter felt when he stepped out of the boat.  He was probably astonished and amazed by Jesus.  He was probably so focused on Him walking on the water that the rest of the world disappeared.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, when he began to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matt 14:30.  When I look around and I see Jesus moving in my home church and in the churches that we are visiting, the world just disappears and I want to respond to His love by serving as His hands and feet. But then I see the news report about unrest between Kenya and Somalia, I become afraid and begin to sink. Then, Lord, I cry out, "Lord, be with my family and me, protect us and watch over us.  I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.  I love you, Lord.".

Jesus will calm the winds for us today just as He did for His disciples.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers are going with you.....
    Keep us updated ...
    Love you guys God is with you.
