Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sharing the Vision

We had a wonderful opportunity to share God's vision with Jackson UMC (www.jacksonumc.com) and Jodeco Road UMC (www.jodecoroadumc.org) the past 2 Sundays.  Here is the link to our talk at Jodeco Road UMC - enjoy listening! (http://eridan.websrvcs.com/clientimages/50531/sermons/05-22-11.mp3)  What a blessing for us as a family.  We were a little nervous, but both congregations were very welcoming and many people wanted to know more about our calling and how all of this was going to work - good question!  God has been revealing a lot to us and we have been praying for discernment about where He is leading us.  Kenya is a definite possibility and we are pursuing this with The Mission Society.  We are in the process of researching the need for clean water and health-care in Kenya, which is a great need, and hope to do an exploratory visit within the next 6 months. 
One of our friends at Jodeco Road UMC was kind enough to take our family photo for our support cards and these should be ready to send out to everyone in a few weeks (that's the photo above) - Thanks Lanny!  
We also had our initial Home Team meeting last night at Jodeco Road UMC.  God was definitely in that meeting, I can't tell you how many times I was overwhelmed by the love and support of our Home Team.  I barely got through the opening prayer, I was so chocked up by everyone's presence.  Our Home Team is so wonderful and Nick, Gilly and I are blessed by the special people God has placed on this team to help us.  We have nicknamed them "our cheerleaders", this is going to be a great experience for everyone and we are very excited about their encouragement and love so far.  The vision God has placed before us is going to impact so many people for Christ and we thank God for allowing us to pursue this path and be His servants.  God is so good and His followers, too.  Love you "cheerleaders"  and Gooooooo Team Griffiths!  :)

1 comment:

  1. That was a special time Friday. It was neat meeting Nick's folks, and hearing your presentation. We'll help out in what direction God tells. Thanks for letting us join in this.
    God Bless
