Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting Started

To the left is a photo of Heidi and me at the rope course during our candidate assessment weekend with The Mission Society (www.themissionsociety.org). That was an amazing weekend; we met some incredible people who really have a heart for God. We are thankful for The Mission Society and everyone who has graciously offered to serve beside us as we answer God’s call for our family into long term cross cultural ministry...........WE ARE GOING TO BE MISSIONARIES!

It is already obvious this is going to be a blessing. It's also going to be a little scary. We have a lot of changes ahead of us, but God is giving us time to get ready and lots of help. (We're thankful for both.) We are hoping to be deployed in about 2 years, however we know it will be on His time.

1 comment:

  1. Nick, this is such a good start. God is with us in all we do, even the scary things. God Bless
