Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Calling

Thank you, Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church for the amazing weekend.  It is always a pleasure spending time in a loving and welcoming Christian environment.  In John 13:35, Jesus says “This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.”  Your church shines with the love of Christ  Pleasant Grove UMC website .http://aliveatpgumc.org

My Calling

A calling is an amazing thing, but it can be difficult to explain and frightening to answer.  To put it as simple as only a five year old can, “If God asked me to do something, I would just do it”, this is a quote from Gilly concerning a friend of ours trying to discern about a new ministry he was starting. 

As for me, I tried to find everything under the sun to hide behind, when God called me into full time overseas ministry this includes, but is not limited to, my job, my wife, my son, our mortgage, you name it.  The best part is, I could usually find someone who totally agreed with me, and would say things like; “God must have called the wrong guy, you have a wife and kid.”.  The truth is, God called the right guy and He is completely aware of my situation.  God was at my wedding and He made Gilly, so I am quite certain that He will not be surprised when I book 3 tickets to Kenya.

The neat thing is, once I was willing to answer God’s call He started clearing the way and removing obstacles.  He has put wonderful people in my path to show me that long term, overseas missions can be done with a family.  Over the last year, I have met families that are in the process of becoming mission families, I have met missionary couples who have raised their children in the field (one actually in Kenya) and I have discovered that people I have known for years were once full time missionaries.  It has become very clear to me that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13), and the best place for me and my family to be is in God’s will.   


  1. Hey Nick, I love the way you write and express your feelings. Keep it up brother.
    God Bless

  2. Nick, you got it! The only obstacles between us and God's will are the ones we put up. The weird thing is, although we place them there, they can only be removed by God and then only when we decide to surrender to his will. That's when true peace begins (although it can still be a little scary).

  3. So glad you have said "yes!" to God. He will use you to touch many lives.
