Hi Everyone,
It's been a stretch since our last blog and we want to update you about our progress of returning to the mission field.....
We had our initial meeting with TMS Global (formally The Mission Society) in March and we were given the ok to begin the process of returning to the mission field - PTL!
Since that meeting, the Lord has been moving swiftly in the Griffiths' house, as usual. LOL. He has been leading us to serve in Sierra Leone (SL) in West Africa. We are still feeling led to serve in the bush, helping with clean water and medical care, however, the exact place and people group have yet to be revealed. What has been touching our hearts is the need in SL and there is a lot of it! We are taking this slowly and researching to gain incite about the Sierra Leonean culture, languages, existing missionaries serving in SL and the need for clean water and medical care throughout the country. TMS Global does not currently have any missionaries serving in SL, the closest are in Liberia, so we are reaching out to others in Sierra Leone to help us engage in ministry on the ground.
At this point, we are planning to schedule a vision trip in 2018 to SL to see the need first hand.
Will you please join us in praying for discernment of where God wants us to serve in Sierra Leone? That He will reveal a specific people group that He wants us to serve among and that He touches our hearts for their need?
As for Gilly, he is heading into his sophomore year of high school and is working towards his goal of becoming a rescue swimmer (an AST) with the Coast Guard. He is doing awesome!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we move forward with our calling and we are so honored to have you praying for us during this time! We love all of you and we will keep you updated.
All 4 Him,
Heidi & Nick Griffiths
"I thank God every time I remember you." Phil 1:3
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