Our Family Scripture

"Come follow Me," Jesus said "I will make you fishers of men. " Matt 4:19

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Jigger Project

"He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3

A few weeks ago Nick, Gilly and I had an opportunity to participate in a medical outreach with one of the local churches in Maralal. Here are some of the pictures from our first medical mission project (called The Jigger Project).  It was great serving with the local people and being with them as they witnessed to and helped their own people.  

A small warning, these pictures are not for the faint-of-heart! The feet of these children are difficult to see.  But, be assured that Christ was with us that day and He kept us strong as we got rid of those nasty jiggers!  

We started by washing the kids' feet with soap and water and then soaking their feet for 15 minutes in medicine to remove and prevent the jiggers.  The final step was applying vaseline, once the medicine was dry.  The day was very emotional as we washed the feet of these precious children and it was unlike anything I had ever seen in my medical experience.  Many times, I had to hold back tears during the washing and soaking process but, I also felt grateful that Gilly was only witnessing this and not experiencing it as a patient.  I was reminded of the scripture when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and his teachings of humbleness and serving others.  I praise the Lord that we had the opportunity to help the kids of this village and rid them of their jiggers!  These pictures are not for the faint-hearted, but they are filled with Christ's love 

The church also led the group in a lesson of good hand-washing.  (Nick also learned a lot about proper hand washing. Who knew?)  Nick built a tippy-tap (a.k.a. hand washing station) for the village, like the one used at the Living Water Walk.  The Samburu mamas were VERY happy to accept this gift for their village.  It was a big hit!

We hope to return to this village with the local church to help the children again.  Please pray for the children of this village and the Samburu people.
We are so blessed and honored to be called to help the Samburu people!  Thank You, Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't God the one who created the Chigoe Flea in the first place?
